Dedicate Your
United Way Contribution
Thank you for choosing to pledge your United Way contribution to the Bread of Life Food Pantry, an approved agency of the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania (UWSWPA). Your gift to the UWSWPA can support the work of the Bread of Life Food Pantry by providing food security to individuals and families located in Etna Borough and Shaler Township.
When making a donation to the UWSWPA in support of the Bread of Life Food Pantry, be sure to use the following code on your pledge form: Bread of Life Food Pantry - 13856182 - Etna, PA
There are multiple ways you can give to the United Way. They include the following:
Payroll Deduction
Visit the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania online to donate and support the Bread of Life Food Pantry. Be sure to include the pantry's code when making your donation.
Write a check, include the pantry code on your check's comment line, and mail to:
United Way of Southwestern PA
1250 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
If your employer has a United Way corporate campaign, make a payroll deduction to support the Bread of Life Food Pantry. In some cases, your employer may match your charitable donation, doubling your contribution!